Tanya Moulding TIDHA, MIFPA, CNHC

Tanya Moulding TIDHA, MIFPA, CNHC

Tanya Moulding TIDHA, MIFPA, CNHC

Tanya Moulding (TIDHA, MIFPA) trained in Clinical Aromatherapy, Massage and Energy medicine. She is a practicing clinical aromatherapist, aromacologist, botanical perfumer and educator.

Tanya now combines her part-time clinical work within the NHS in Oncology + Palliative Care with delivering talks and workshops in blending, botanical skincare and botanical perfumery. She has a particular passion for unusual ingredients and the historical, magical and esoteric use of plants, providing conceptual fragrance ideas and sensory learning activities for special events, museums and public spaces. She has taught historical perfumery at many English Heritage sites and local museums, and delivers public and corporate events on olfaction and botanical blending.

Cursos de Tanya Moulding TIDHA, MIFPA, CNHC