Florian Birkmayer MD

Florian Birkmayer MD

Florian Birkmayer MD

Dr. Florian Birkmayer received his bachelor’s degree in molecular biology at Princeton University, where he learned to question assumptions and discover the unseen shadow side of life. He then received his medical doctorate from Columbia University, which taught him how to think critically about ‘business-as-usual’ medicine and inspired him to become an addiction psychiatrist. After a career in mainstream academic psychiatry and addiction treatment, he became frustrated by the overemphasis on pharmaceuticals and decided to use his knowledge and experience to help people – to not merely relieve or cover up symptoms, but to guide them through the alchemical stages of the journey of individuation. In collaboration with his wife, Cathy Skipper, discover their unique, unparalleled approach to working holistically with the psyche in partnership with aromas – the expressions of the plants’ souls – at Aromagnosis.com

Cursos por Florian Birkmayer MD