Skin Deep: Dermal Absorption of Essential Oils

December 6, 2018
Timothy Miller ND, LAc

For one reason or another, many of us have applied essential oils topically, either neat (undiluted) or as a blend in a carrier, possibly as part of a clinical aromatherapy application. The integumentary system (the skin) is designed as a selectively permeable barrier to protect the human organism from its external environment.1,2 The inherent nature […]

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Book Review: Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, Volume 1

October 14, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND and Jillian Stansbury ND

In Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, Volume 1, the first in a five-volume series, Dr. Jill Stansbury makes a strong case for herbs in clinical case management–with tremendous success.  As a licensed naturopathic doctor and esteemed clinical herbalist, Dr. Stansbury shares thirty years of experience with botanical medicine from all over the globe in this […]

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Food, Medicine, and Poison: Solanaceae Family Values

October 10, 2018
Jillian Stansbury ND

Dr. Jillian Stansbury, botanical medicine professor extraordinaire, joins us on NatNotes as a guest blogger, waxing poetic on the physical and metaphysical aspects of the Solanaceae family of plants! Representative Plant Species Atropa belladonna – Belladonna Datura stramonium – Jimson weed Hyoscyamus niger – Henbit Solanum dulcamara – Bittersweet Nightshade Lycopersicon esculentum – Tomato Tabacum nicotania – […]

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From Herbalist to Author: the Writer’s Journey

September 24, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND

How long does it take to publish a textbook series? For this naturopathic doctor and renowned herbalist, the journey spans nearly a decade. “I think this is the culmination of my many notes and class handouts and conference venues and powerpoint presentations or lecture notes that I would give to students or give to conference attendees. […]

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NUNM President David Schleich Announces Plans to Retire

September 12, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND

Press release courtesy of National University of Natural Medicine PORTLAND, Oregon (Sept. 6, 2018) — National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) President David J. Schleich, PhD, has announced his plans to retire July 1, 2019. During his tenure, NUNM has undergone a period of growth and transformational change, becoming one of the nation’s foremost leaders […]

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Melaleuca: An Essential Oil Heavy-Hitter in the Battle with MRSA

September 6, 2018
Timothy Miller ND, LAc and Nancy Scarlett ND

Tea Tree Oil & Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus It is well-known that the world-wide overprescribing of antibiotics during the last several decades has led to the serious problem of antibiotic-resistant organisms and resultant infections. Agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are working to address the issue, […]

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Sugar industry’s propaganda campaign exposed a half-century later

August 26, 2018
Alan Gaby MD

In the 1960s, British scientist John Yudkin challenged the popular belief that saturated fat and cholesterol were the main dietary factors involved in the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease (CHD). Citing epidemiological data and other evidence, Yudkin argued that refined sugar (which at the time was primarily sucrose) was the most important dietary culprit. In […]

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Nutritional Treatments for Opioid Addiction

August 25, 2018
Alan Gaby MD

Addiction to illegal opioid narcotics (such as heroin) and prescription opioids (such as morphine, hydrocodone, and methadone) are major public health problems in the United States. In 2015, approximately 2 million Americans were addicted to prescription pain relievers (obtained legally or illegally) and 591,000 people were addicted to heroin. In that year, 20,101 drug overdose […]

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Why niacinamide is one of my favorite nutrients

August 24, 2018
Alan Gaby MD

When I first began studying nutritional therapies in the early 1970s, vitamin C was my favorite nutrient. As I learned more about individual nutrients, magnesium replaced vitamin C at the top of the list, and has remained there ever since. Students in my nutrition classes used to joke that, if they did not know the […]

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Improving the success rate of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy

August 23, 2018
Alan Gaby MD

In the past few decades, it has become apparent that recurrences of peptic ulcers can be prevented by eradicating Helicobacter pylori, a bacterial infection that occurs commonly in the stomach of ulcer patients. Treatment with a combination of antibiotics, acid blockers (proton pump inhibitors) and sometimes bismuth is often effective for eradicating this infection, but […]

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Funny, Fearless, Fascinating: a Conversation with Nutritional Medicine Guru, Alan Gaby

August 22, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND

We all know the book. Most of us probably have it. For many of us, especially the younger docs, Nutritional Medicine by Alan Gaby, MD, was our go-to reference during interminable student clinic hours and board exam study sessions, and now has a hallowed place of honor on our office bookshelves. Has it been awhile […]

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In Service, with Love: How One ND is Changing the Face of Medicine in His Community

August 16, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND and Chris Meletis ND

Chris Meletis always knew he wanted to help people. After graduating from Reed College in the late 1980s, he went on to continue three years of conventional medical school, determined to provide care to marginalized communities, before realizing that he was almost on the perfect path–but not quite. After a conversation with a naturopathic doctor […]

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Alkynes of Awesome: Dr. Tim’s Free Radical Love Has Revolutionized Aromatherapy Chemistry

August 10, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND and Timothy Miller ND, LAc

If you’ve ever met Dr. Timothy Miller, you know that his love for life in general is absolutely insoluble, and his infectious enthusiasm only deepens when he’s talking about two of his greatest loves: aromatherapy and chemistry. (Do you see why aromatherapy chemistry was a perfect calling?!)   It’s no secret that truly understanding chemistry […]

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Educating, Innovating, and Inspiring: a Conversation with Rhiannon Lewis

August 2, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND and Timothy Miller ND, LAc

Want to provide an immersive healthcare experience? Consider clinical aromatherapy, says nurse-turned-clinical aromatherapist, researcher, author, and educator, Rhiannon Lewis. Her heart’s path has called her to bring clinical aromatherapy to the forefront of complementary care, and decades later, it’s clear that her influence circles the globe. Rhiannon Lewis,Clinical Aromatherapist  From Bedside to Botanica: A Heart’s […]

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Sharing the Light: An Interview with Dr. Verna Hunt

July 12, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND

Have you ever been in the awe-inspiring presence of a living legend? Dr. Verna Hunt, a chiropractor and naturopathic doctor in Ontario and graduate of what is now known as the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, carries with her the flame of wisdom — and she is more than happy to share the light. As […]

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A Practitioner’s Code of Ethics in the Age of Social Media and Partisan Politics

July 5, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND

The Backstory After a late night of Facebook bingeing (because sometimes, you really cannot tear your eyes away from the reactions of your “friends” to current events), I woke up one morning feeling a little emotionally bruised from the goings-on in our world, and more than a little weary to take on the onslaught of […]

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Two Confessions and the Birth of NatNotes

June 27, 2018
Sarah E Ouano ND

Confession: I am not a research junkie. I don’t pour over articles in immunology journals while commuting home on the subway or conduct clinical trials in my spare time. In truth, my protocol is typically to wait for the headline-winning piece to emerge, then fact-check it and verify references before sharing it on my FB […]

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