Urology with Yarnell: Early-Stage CKD

Urology with Yarnell: Early-Stage CKD


This is the first part of an entire series of Urology with Yarnell: Chronic Kidney Disease. Part 1 (this course) will address the early stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (Stages 1-3). Part 2 will address treating late stage Chronic Kidney Disease (Stages 3-5). Part 3 will address dialysis and kidney transplants. Part 4 will address glomerulonephritides and vasculitis. Lastly, Part 5 will address Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).

Chronic Kidney Disease: Screening and Diagnosis (60 mins)

In the beginning of this course, Dr. Yarnell will review the western medical criteria for the diagnosis and staging of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Did you know that the GFR diagnosis criteria for Stage 1 chronic kidney disease (CKD) actually meets the criteria for totally normal and healthy kidney function? Did you know that for Stage 2 you won’t be able to detect chronic kidney disease (CKD) with simply estimated GFR and serum creatinine? You’ll learn these details and so much more in this course. In addition to GFR staging, you’ll also learn how to assess the health of the kidney via the albumin staging criteria.

Dr. Yarnell will overview appropriate screening for and steps toward prevention of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The earlier that CKD can be diagnosed, the more of a chance you’ll have for finding the cause and offering treatment that will completely resolve the problem. Which, of course, is our ultimate goal for our patients. If chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be prevented altogether, this will provide for the best outcome.

Did you know that most people with end stage renal failure (ESRF) ultimately die of cardiovascular disease? Did you know that only testing for serum creatinine and eGFR (estimated GFR) for kidney screening is not enough? By the time the eGFR is <60, your patient has potentially lost half of their kidney function! Learn the tests you need to order to truly screen for early stage chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Don’t be the doctor who doesn’t know or who ignores the signs! Dr. Yarnell shares about a young, 41 year old patient who had persistent proteinuria for 2 years, but because of her age and otherwise apparent health, it was ignored by her PCP. She ended up being diagnosed with IG nephropathy and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, but had lost 2 years of potential diagnosis and treatment since the signs were ignored.

On that note, do you know what to do if your patient has a one-off elevated protein in their urine? You’ll learn exactly what to do in this course.

You’ll learn the two primary reasons for proteinuria (protein in the urine). You’ll also learn that elevated urine protein or albumin is a HUGE risk factor for cardiovascular disease. (And later on in this course, botanical interventions to help treat it).

Have you heard of Cystatin C (a laboratory test)? You’ll learn about why you might want to order this for your patients!

Do you know what the difference is between GFR and eGFR? It’s important and could mean a really big difference for your patients! Do you know the average normal loss of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) that occurs per year after age 30? This calculation will help you predict where your patient should be at for their particular age and stage.

The beginning portion of this course will support you thoroughly in screening and diagnosing the cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Chronic Kidney Disease: Botanical Interventions (60 mins)

Then, we get to the juicy stuff. Dr. Yarnell shares his experience in using nutritional and botanical interventions in urology. Do you think chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients should be on the kidney failure diet? At what point in their staging and diagnosis? Dr. Yarnell shares that there are times where this diet could be contraindicated and detrimental for their health.

Dr. Yarnell covers general nephroprotective herbs that will strengthen the kidneys – improving filtration and decreasing the leaking of protein. For clinical purposes, Dr. Yarnell breaks up the herbs into two categories: non-immunomodulating and immunomodulating herbs.

The following herbs will be covered in this course. Dr. Yarnell will cover dosing and safety/contraindications for each herb discussed:

  • Parietaria judaica (pellitory[-of-the-wall]) aerial parts
  • Urtica dioica (nettle) seed
  • Rheum palmatum (rhubarb) processed root
  • Lespedeza capitata (lespedeza) aerial parts
  • Crataegus spp (hawthorn) leaf, flower
  • Silybum marianum (milk thistle) fruit
  • Ophiocordyceps sinensis (cordyceps) mycelium
  • Astragalus propinquus (astragalus) root
  • Codonopsis pilosula (dang shen) root
  • Glycyrrhiza spp (licorice) root

Did you know that for Rheum palmatum (rhubarb), you want to use the processed root in chronic kidney disease (CKD) (as the unprocessed root is a cathartic laxative due to its anthroquinone content)? Did you know that the name for Rheum palmatum (rhubarb) in Mandarin is 大簧dà huáng, which means “big yellow” referring to the color of the raw, unprocessed root? How about that for a fun fact?!

Are you familiar with the health benefits of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) seed? You might be surprised at how clinically useful this part of the plant can be!

Dr. Yarnell will also share two botanical formulations that he uses in his clinical practice to support his patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). For each formulation, he includes relative percentage of each herb, dosing of the total formulation, as well as rationale for each ingredient. Dr. Yarnell closes the presentation with two case studies of idiopathic chronic kidney disease (CKD).

What You’ll Learn

  • The diagnostic criteria for chronic kidney disease (CKD), including ICD-10 diagnosis codes
  • How to properly medically abbreviate chronic kidney disease (CKD) staging, including medical abbreviation modifications for things like a patient being on dialysis or having a kidney transplant
  • How to appropriately screen for early chronic kidney disease (CKD) (which Dr. Yarnell recommends you do with all of your patients starting at age 40)
  • How to properly apply ICD-10 diagnosis codes for chronic kidney disease (CKD), nephrotic syndrome, proteinuria, amongst other diagnoses
  • Which eGFR to use in North America based on which ethnicity
  • The diagnostic criteria for microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria
  • The problems with the eGFR lab test – and why!
  • How to properly counsel patients in preventing CKD, particularly when due to diabetic and hypertensive nephropathies
  • How to develop effective and safe nephroprotective formulas for patients with CKD stage G3
  • What is normal renal aging versus actual CKD
  • How to appropriately counsel patients with early-stage CKD on diets that treat the causes (and when to avoid the renal failure diet)

This Course is for You if

  • You are in primary care, work in a general practice, or have patients with kidney disease, or
  • You want to know how to help prevent, screen, and treat chronic kidney disease (stages 1-3) in your patients using naturopathic interventions

What’s Included With Your Purchase

✔ Instant course access
✔ Lifetime course access
✔ 24/7 online access to course
✔ PDF of course slides
✔ PDF of course references and citations
✔ PDF of certificate of completion
✔ Certificate of completion available immediately upon finishing the course
✔ CEs / PDAs as outlined below

Course Content

  • Urology with Yarnell: Early-Stage CKD 2h 00min


Eric Yarnell, ND, RH(AHG) graduated from Bastyr University (Seattle, WA) in 1996, after which he completed a two-year residency with master herbalist and physician Silena Heron, RN, ND in Sedona, AZ. Dr. Yarnell served as chair of the department of botanical medicine at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM; Tempe, AZ) where he also taught gastroenterology, urology/men's health, and pulmonology/sleep medicine. He has served as senior and associate editor of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine. He has been in private practice or supervising students since 1997. He is chief medical officer at Northwest Naturopathic Urology. He is a founding member and current president of the Botanical Medicine Academy (Seattle, WA), a specialty board for practitioners who use herbs.

Currently Dr. Yarnell is associate professor in the botanical medicine department at Bastyr University and adjunct faculty at SCNM. He is a co-founder and chief financial/operations office of Healing Mountain Publishing, Inc., a publisher of natural medicine textbooks for students and practitioners. He is also president of Heron Botanicals, Inc. an herbal pharmacy providing hand-crafted, whole plant extracts exclusively to health care providers.

Dr. Yarnell is author of numerous texts and articles including Natural Approach to Gastroenterology 2nd ed and the forthcoming Natural Approach to Urology and Men's Health 2nd ed. He is co-author of Clinical Botanical Medicine 2nd ed and the A-Z Guide to Drug-Herb-Vitamin Interactions. He is a contributing author for The Textbook of Natural Medicine 4th ed and Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine 2nd ed. He has lectured widely.

Continuing Education Approvals

  • Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists (CFA)

    1 CEU total (up to 1 CEU Category B) -Direct Approval
  • New Hampshire Association of Naturopathic Doctors (NHAND)

    2 CEUs total (up to 2 CEUs General) -Direct Approval
  • Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM) - (expires on April 07, 2025)

    2 hours total (up to 2 hours General Education) -Direct Approval
  • Vermont Office of Professional Regulation (VT OPR)

    2 hours total (up to 2 hours General) -Direct Approval
  • Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA)

    1 CPD total (up to 1 CPD Category B) -Assumed Approval
  • Arizona Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board (AZ NPMB)

    2 CMEs total (up to 2 CMEs General) -Assumed Approval
  • College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA)

    2 continuing competence credits total -Assumed Approval
  • College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (CNPBC)

    2 hours total (up to 2 hours Category C - Educational Courses) -Assumed Approval
  • College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO)

    2 credits total (up to 2 credits Category B) -Assumed Approval
  • Colorado Office of Naturopathic Doctor Registration (CO ONDR)

    2 PDAs total -Assumed Approval
  • Connecticut Department of Public Health: Naturopathic Physician Licensure (CT DPH: NPL)

    2 hours total -Assumed Approval
  • Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC)

    2 CEUs total (up to 2 CEUs Category 2) -Assumed Approval
  • District of Columbia Health Regulation and Licensing Administration (DC HRLA)

    2 hours total -Assumed Approval
  • Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Professional & Vocational Licensing (HI DCCA)

    2 CEs total (up to 2 CEs General) -Assumed Approval
  • Idaho Board of Medicine: Naturopathic Medical Board (ID BOM: NMB)

    2 hours total (up to 2 hours General) -Assumed Approval
  • Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KS SBHA)

    2 CEUs total -Assumed Approval
  • Maine Board of Complementary Health Care Providers (ME BCHCP)

    2 hours total (up to 2 hours General) -Assumed Approval
  • Manitoba Naturopathic Association (MNA)

    2 hours total (up to 2 hours Category B) -Assumed Approval
  • Maryland Board of Physicians (MD BP)

    2 hours total -Assumed Approval
  • Minnesota Board of Medical Practice (MN BMP)

    2 contact hours total (up to 2 contact hours General) -Assumed Approval
  • Montana Board of Alternative Health Care (MT BAHC)

    2 hours total (up to 2 hours General) -Assumed Approval
  • North Dakota Board of Integrative Health Care (ND BIHC)

    2 credits total (up to 2 credits General) -Assumed Approval
  • Rhode Island Department of Health: Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline (RI DOH: BMLD)

    2 hours total -Assumed Approval
  • Saskatchewan Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (SANP)

    2 hours total (up to 2 hours Category C) -Assumed Approval
  • Utah Naturopathic Physician Licensing Board (UT NPLB)

    2 CEs total (up to 2 CEs General) -Assumed Approval
  • Washington State Department of Health: Board of Naturopathy (WA DOH: BON)

    2 hours total (up to 2 hours Category 2) -Assumed Approval
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Course on Urology with Yarnell: Dialysis Support for CKD by Eric Yarnell. Available on naturopathicce.com
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This course includes:

  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion (PDF)
  • Certificate available immediately
  • CEs / PDAs as outlined
This course is intended for practitioners.