Advanced Homeopathy: Lesser-Known Remedies

A 6-Lesson Recorded Webinar Series with Anne Vervarcke

Earn 9 CEs

Ready to deepen your understanding of lesser-known remedies?

This 6-lesson recorded webinar series explores some lesser-known homeopathic remedies and groups that, despite their relative invisibility, have
great value in clinical homeopathic practice.

About Anne Vervarcke

Anne Vervarcke was born October 15th, 1952 in Ostend, Belgium. After studying art, oriental studies, and anthropology, she trained in classical homeopathy in Belgium and in the Netherlands at the School for Homeopathy in Amersfoort.

She established The Centre for Classical Homeopathy (CKH) in Leuven, Belgium, which organizes a five-year training course, a Master Class, seminars, and an International Training. Anne served as program creator, teacher, and director for 15 years. She has also been in private practice since 1989.

Anne Vervarcke has developed her own style of practice, the Vital Approach (VA) Method, based on her 25-years of accumulated teaching and practicing experience, seminar attendance, and investigation in her private practice. The VA method is based on classical homeopathy supplemented with the works of contemporary thinkers and insights from phenomenology and linguistics. She gives international trainings and seminars, teaches in the CKH, offers post graduate seminars, Master Classes, Master Apprentice courses, and online training.

In addition to her international trainings, Anne is an accomplished author of many homeopathic books and publications, including: The Charm of Homeopathy, Behind the Glass Screen: A Homeopathic Survey of Ozone, The Vital Approach, Homeopathy, Strange, Rare and Peculiar, Homeopathy is Everywhere, and Beyond Mind and Body.

This in-depth homeopathy series includes
six lessons of recorded material with Anne.

Grasses and Grains (Poales)

Grasses and grains are everywhere and yet, we tend to overlook them when we are looking for a Plant remedy that fits the case. Perhaps it's because they don't attract attention with colorful flowers or are in almost all of our basic foods, so we take them for granted? You will learn all about the characteristics of grass remedies in this webinar!

Anne will also explain that every phenomenon has 4 different aspects: objective and subjective, crossed with individual and collective, which gives this quadrant: objective-individual, objective-collective, subjective-individual and subjective-collective (based on a model by Ken Wilber). Why is that important? Because we practitioners often make the mistake of thinking that by how it looks (objective-individual) and what it does (objective-collective), we can extrapolate these characteristics from our patients. However, homeopathy not only includes subjectivity, but it draws upon it heavily for prescribing.

In this webinar, you'll learn about the grasses (wheat, rice, barley, sugar, maize, oats, rye, sorghum, bamboo, lemongrass, and more) and application of the Ken Wilber quadrant system in homeopathy.

6th Row of the Periodic Table

Because of the more 'well-known' 6th row remedies like Baryta, Platina, Aurum, Mercurius and Plumbum you might think you know more about 6th row remedies than you do. Just because we know more about them doesn't mean we can actually recognize them in real life. As a matter of fact, because of the excess of symptoms without a pattern, they are very often not considered when needed. This session will demonstrate many cases (also from the lesser-known 6th row remedies like Osmium, Iridium, Tungstenium, etc.) how they truly express. Anne finds there is hardly any group of remedies that benefits more of the introduction of systematics in homeopathy; it will become crystal clear why.

Anne will also explain about the 4 different ways a remedy can present: the pure sensation or vital feeling, the active or success state of coping, the failure state, and the compensation. Patients usually display only one of these ways and it is up to us to understand which presentation it is and why. Anne will share why almost all 6th row element provings show the failure state and why our patients hardly ever will. And why this is the main reason we don't recognize a 6th row mineral in the success state and why we have prescribed them for the wrong reasons.

In this webinar, you will learn about 6th Row remedies (Osmium, Iridium, Tungstenium, Baryta, Platina, Aurum, Mercurius, Plumbum, and more) and remedy presentation in clinical practice.

Sarcode Remedies

If you've always thought Sarcodes were 'superficial' remedies and can't be a similimum, this webinar may change your mind! Patients whose similimum is a Sarcode have their own, particular experience of themselves and the world around them. It is up to you, the attentive homeopathic listener, to notice its expressions. Anne will share cases of Sarcode patients in which they reveal their world in words and terms, which will give you a sense of this group.

Anne will also go into the discussion of polychrests versus small remedies. She will define what 'cure' means, what the prognosis and scope of a similimum should be, and what we should try to achieve with our patients.

In this webinar, you will learn about Sarcode remedies (Oxytocin, Thymus Gland, Thyroidinum, RNA, Melatonin, Corticotropin, and more) and polychrests vs small remedies.

Fish Remedies

Have you ever prescribed a fish remedy? Ever wondered if homeopathy even has fish remedies? There are a few mentioned in the classical Materia Medica, although you might not know them as fish remedies based on their name alone (Ambra, Hydrophis, Oleum jecoris). But there are many more fish in the ocean! Anne will explore in this webinar what it is like to be a fish, to understand how your patients who need a fish remedy feel and express. Prepare to delve into a wonderful, and not yet well understood, world and be able to recognize a fish when one swims into your practice in the future.

Anne will also talk about the importance of context (vs. content) in case taking. As practitioners, we know it's important to observe our patients and take their body language into account (the context). Anne will take it one step further and demonstrate that sometimes the context is actually decisive for the group or family, regardless of the rubrics chosen (the content).

In this webinar, you will learn about fish remedies (Ambra, Hydrophis, Oleum jecoris, and more) and the distinction between context and content in case taking.

Insect Remedies

Even fervent animal lovers will think twice about mosquitos and other insects. What about patients needing one of these remedies? Are they as annoying? And what about other insect patients? Are they the unwelcome nuisances we usually consider the original insect to be? How do you think a Blatta, mosquito, lice, bedbug, meat fly will behave?

Are you cringing now just reading about these insects? When the remedy group seems to be gross, disgusting, repulsive to us, do we actually prescribe these more repulsive remedies to patients we like or with whom we sympathize? Or must some of these annoying or gross traits be found in the patient? Could this be a reason why many patients end up with mammal remedies while they need, in fact, a less cuddly animal? With many case examples, you'll learn why you shouldn't let your fear or disgust about a remedy influence your analysis or prescription. Meanwhile you'll get to know many remedies you might not have thought about before for your ailing patients!

In this webinar, you will learn about mosquito and other insect remedies - and our prejudices towards remedies.

Telopea speciosissima

Don't worry if you have never heard the name of this remedy before! It is not that common! (Although there is a good proving from Alastair Gray, under the name Waratah, if you're curious). Anne has several cases she will share in this webinar. She'll also share why this remedy can easily be confused with other groups. In fact, Anne prescribed a mineral remedy for her first Telopea patient and she prescribed an animal remedy for the second one because of the words the patient used. Anne will share her experience about these and other common pitfalls and how to prevent inaccurate prescriptions.

Anne will also discuss what to expect from a similimum prescription and making a realistic prognosis when the right remedy is prescribed.

In this webinar, you will learn about Telopea speciosissima and case prognosis from similimum prescriptions.

This is an advanced course.

Please Note: this course is not for beginners to homeopathy. This course is designed for practitioners or last year students in homeopathic or naturopathic school. The Vital Approach incorporates aspects of the sensation method (kingdoms). If you are strictly trained classically, this course may have a lot of new material; it's ideal to have a basic understanding in varied homeopathy systems, including sensation or families method. For more information on the Vital Approach, you can take Anne's introductory course: Vital Approach: An Introduction.

Please Note: screensharing of the electronic repertories and reference materials in the RadarOpus homeopathic program may be used at times to demonstrate course materials. It is not necessary to own any homeopathic software, including RadarOpus, to gain benefit from the homeopathic education provided. The nature of this class is educational, not commercial.


Advanced Homeopathy:
Lesser-Known Remedies

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